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 Why “Smart Finance for Smart Buildings” won’t be enough to renovate Europe

Yamina SAHEB

The Clean Energy for All Europeans package projects buildings to play a pivotal role in the EU energy transition. The Commission sees the non-legislative initiative “Smart Finance for Smart Buildings (SFSB) as a major driver in the transformation of the emerging energy renovation market from a market of shallow renovation financed by grants towards a self-sustained market delivering zero energy buildings.

Could this be a wishful thinking?

 Clean Energy for All Europeans Package - Do the Commission’s Impact Assessments Assign the Right Role to Energy Efficiency?

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 Clean Energy for All Europeans Package - Do the Commission’s Impact Assessments Assign the Right Role to Energy Efficiency? - Executive Summary

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 Energy renovation: It’s time we get serious about it!

Yamina SAHEB

I am not sure if this is good news – or scary news! Here we have two Directives related to buildings under revision in the EU, and their messages are confusing at best. Let's take a closer look at them.

The impact assessment, accompanying the proposal amending the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) -included in the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package- projects the building sector to lead the transition of energy demand in Europe.

The above-mentioned impact assessment includes six scenarios:

 Securing Europe's energy future with efficiency and renewables

Yamina SAHEB

Russia’s warning of a looming gas crisis in Europe challenges the claimed ambition of the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package. In fact, the Commission’s proposal, released on November 30th, falls short in securing Europe’s energy future with energy savings and renewables -the only two clean energy sources available in Europe and at an affordable price.

 Implementing the Paris Climate Agreement: an opportunity to fuel the world with energy savings and renewables

Yamina SAHEB

The 1st industrial revolution was fuelled with coal, the 2nd with mainly oil, gas and to some extent nuclear energy while the 3rd one experienced a shy introduction of renewables in the energy mix. The 4th industrial revolution might well be fuelled first with energy savings if countries from all over the world implement the Paris Climate Agreement.

 Is Appliance-Gate on the horizon?

Yamina SAHEB

Ahead of the annual review of Ecodesign and Labelling measures by the college of Commissioners, the executive was asked by political leaders and NGOs to unfreeze the Ecodesign and Labelling process, stalled for over a year, and to expand the scope of regulated products.

 40% savings target: Yes, you can and, President Juncker, yes you must!

Yamina SAHEB

It was impossible to imagine a year ago. It’s hard to believe today, but the world might well move on the post-Paris Climate Agreement without Europe!

For once, the European Commission cannot be blamed for this “ridiculous” situation as President Juncker described the slow ratification by the EU of the climate deal. It could even be the opposite: we may well have to applaud the European Commission if its proposed fast-track ratification succeeds in giving EU leaders a seat at the table of the post-Paris climate decisions.

 Brexit: A wake-up call for a citizens’ energy transition!

Yamina SAHEB

I can’t speak for you, but in my case, the Brexit had for me the opposite effect of the fall of the Berlin wall. I was in high school in 1989, but it was clear to me that the reunification of Germany would lead to a more peaceful and prosperous Europe. In the case of the Brexit, it’s difficult to see what positive outcomes might unfold, especially given that the Brexit implications didn’t seem to have been thought out by its own leaders.

 Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock - Unleashing the 4th Industrial Revolution in Europe

Executive summary in national languages

The report estimates the EU energy renovation market at EUR 109 billion in 2015 and 882,900 jobs. It shows that the size of the EU energy renovation market could increase by almost half the current energy renovation market if a 40% energy savings target is adopted for 2030. This would lead to more than one million additional jobs.

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